Saturday, March 29, 2008


The Squeezes are getting shirty. Had to happen really.

Yes, we can finally conclude that the chances of getting away with our adventure without burning a few brownie points are absolutely nil.

Team Pulsar being roughty toughties (so we thought) has no hope against the WOPS. Yes, we had to call them something and instead of WAGS, we decided on WOPS, "Wives of Pulsar Shopping".

"Seemed to go down well" I said, "Yeah, like your bloody boat" she said. Tisk, Tisk!

Anyway, why WOPS, why not PAWS for "Pulsar Angry Wives", or WOW for "Wives on Wolf",
we could go on forever.

Suffice to say that It falls to me as the instigator to make amends.

Girls, we couldn't do it without you, such is your brilliance.

I can see the T-Shirts now, "The Time spent at Sea is directly proportional to the size of my headache" or "W.O.P.S on Tour" or simply "W.O.W".

Says it all really. Wonder whats for dinner?

Honeeee I'm home!


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