The Round Britain Race Campaign began in earnest last October when I decided it was the thing to do. I called a few hapless, lonely, middle aged geezer's like myself and sher wouldn't ya know they all said "jeez, sher that's a fine speech Norah, We're on" ( Well, no they didn't all say that, only Stumley, but they all agreed to go, gimme a break)
Well, 8 months later we are nearing the off. To say that it has been a doddle would be an understatement. Along the way, I have had to deal with a feckless boat builder and generally mad but beautifully poignant Welsh Man,his family and a bloody parking meter.
I have had to deal with the peccadilloes of the crew and Christ they were many. Revlon and his trouser problem, Pointless and his overly energetic wife, (Wales is still talking about her and secretly we were are all jealous), Stumley and his cigarette issue, and of course myself and my brilliantly soft and gentle nature. Contrary to popular misunderstanding the crew WILL love me.
There have been moments over the last few weeks when I started to wonder.
Wonder what the hell we were all doing. Wonder why I had to have a mid life crisis in mid life. Wonder why our wives were willing to go along with this great adventure.
I reckon that when I get to meet all the various crews during the coming weeks there will be general realisation that apart from the boats, the race, and the lunacy, we all have a lot in common.
The words Patience, Payback, and Piss off come to mind.
Getting to the point, It is with great appreciation, understanding, and thanks that I salute all the friends of Team Pulsar.
To the Welsh Rarebit, his Family, Staff, and friends. Your Priceless... ( I kill me...tee hee hee).
To my colleagues and Friends at Pulsar Direct. It is a great privilege to work with such a smart bunch of people. I include the entire team of Pulsar UK and Ireland. Thanks for your patience.
Pulsar deserves a few special mentions. Paul, Pat, Frank, Bob & Steve, many thanks for your support, organisation and down right hard work.
Stuart, who designed our website. Your a gem. Stay the way you are.
All our Sponsors. Without you, we have nothing. As Suppliers to Pulsar, as supporters of Pulsar and as our Friends. To the Future. Thanks.
Guido, 34 handicap requires a dress.
The Crew.
What can I say. Your willingness to get involved is questionable.........
Your willingness to stay with the program is borderline lunacy.
Your help, good nature, great humour, bad socks, trouser problems, smoking (Stumley) is now legend. Me, I'm actually perfect which in itself is ironic.
Thanks Guys.
The next few weeks will be a test for sure, but I am confident we have the best bunch of nutters in this race. I love you all. Stay well.
Col. Greg.
Team Pulsar "Vampire", Army rations, Army bits, Army Know How, an RV, A trip from Cambodia, A tent, and now Claire. Where does it all end. is the iPod fully loaded?
Finally, but by no means least.
The Wolf families.
To Alex and Kaya. Their Cake Sales raised loads and their effort is the most important.
The Wolf Kiddies (or Cubs).
Alex, Kaya, Luke, Jazmin, Conrad, Sam, Sean, Sarah & Aby.
Be nice to Daddy when he comes home, he will have a sore bottom.
You're the future. Dare to Dream.
Anto, you're a Babe. Your hospitality is legend. Barefoot Contessa eat your heart out.
You cooked, cleaned, drank limoncello, giggled, laughed, and generally made our Team weekends an unbelievable pleasure. Unreservedly, Thanks.
Rosie, Roisin & Susie, I appreciate that when we began this campaign we slightly underestimated the commitment. I know the Crew are giving a lot of their and your time and that perhaps in hindsight one may have reconsidered. Again but by no means least, Thanks.
We are almost set for the off. The Boat travels to the UK this week to arrive in Post Solent by Thursday for scrutineering and race administration.
Get there, do it safely, and win.
Good luck to all. If I forget anybody, apologies, I'm tired.
Revlon has me doing checklists for my checklists checklist. It's in the detail.
I only hope I can sing.
Are we there yet?
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