Stumley (Legless) and The Bad Man (Penniless) prepared the boat, loaded thousands of litres of petrol and off we went. Useless joined later by car. The weather was magnificent and the conditions somewhat misleading but we made it in 1 Hour and 36 minutes. Not bad, and we finally worked out what propeller we needed.
A brief stop in Cape Clear looking for light refreshments failed. When we enquired when the Pub opened we got a brief but concise response, "Mary will be back in a while" and when we asked how soon she would be back we got a muttered "October".
On to Crookhaven. Emma was open, (so was the pub) and the beer was cold.
The following morning Penniless decided that the fact that Useless had brought a hire car and would have to return by road to Cork on Sunday we should all head to Bantry on another training run. Penniless woke Pointless, then woke the B&B owner to get Useless out of bed and then visited every mobile home in Crookhaven looking for Legless.
Much cursing later, 1 or 2 very sick heads, and we went to Bantry.
Things like "Where's your booster seat ya Muppet!" and "Go on ya big girls blouse!" and other niceties like that encouraged him to try racing and forget sightseeing. (He actually searched for his camera)
Running the other way was actually worse.
We got 40 knots off Whiddy and we reckon Useless actually has a use. If we fling him overboard we will get 2 extra knots. Ballast comes to mind.
Saturday night was one of blurred confirmation. Munster won the rugby, and of course we had to celebrate. Useless scared the locals with his dress sense, Heron's Cove for dinner at 9pm where we were joined by Pulsar's UK Manager Side Show Bob and his lovely Wife. They came over for a few days holidays, but They will probably need counselling after we finished with Them on Saturday night.
Now you may be wondering why all these stupid names. I have given this much thought and simply,
Sunday was a bit more like it. Useless was in his Yaris, and the Rest of the Crew were heading to Cork on board Wolf. Force 6-7, very nasty head sea, a very wet crew, and 3 and a half hours later we made Kinsale. Yuck......
Things we learned this weekend:
- Wolf is still a great boat.
- Crookhaven and Goleen in the Sunshine is heaven.
- Heron's Cove is still fantastic.
- You can have a chacklist for everything.
- Pub's do not open in Cape Clear. Apparently until October.
- Pub opening times should be on a checklist.
- "A" Frame's and Raydomes do not work well together.
- We need a stainless steel welding machine!
- Changing to a correct prop helps.
- Stumley is chewing Champax. We haven't the heart to tell him what they are really for.
- Drysuits are better on you, than in a drybag.
- The WOP's can drink Limoncello with a vengeance.
- Grabbner life jackets are actually very good.
- There are way too many bloody headlands coming back to Kinsale.
- No Useless, the shark was not a Great White.
- Petrol is cheaper in Goleen. We saved a whopping €8 Euro's. There is a god.
- Useless is actually very good at checklists.
Any hoo, enough waffle. More next weekend when we run to Sherkin with a large group of boats. Weather permitting it should be good fun.